Our rooms are equipped for the different stages of learning and are identified as follows;
Caterpillar Room
Our cosy caterpillar rooms are welcoming, safe and homely, providing a sensory environment for your little ones to flourish.
Butterfly Room
Our busy butterfly rooms are stimulating, energetic and engaging, allowing your 2 Year olds to develop through senses and curiosity.
Ladybird Room
Our lively ladybird rooms are encouraging and supporting of your little learners, helping them develop their interests and passions.
Dragonfly Room
Our delightful dragonfly room is specifically designed to provide your child with a rounded learning experience in an inspiring way to facilitate a smooth transition into school.
Bumblebee Room
Our bubbly bumblebee room is specifically designed to provide your child with a rounded learning experience in an inspiring way to facilitate a smooth transition into school.